lat: 49.20556329999789, lon: -2.0981739999997786
Key | Value |
check_date | 2021-12-22 |
collection_times | Mo-Fr 10:00; Sa-Su,PH off |
collection_times:signed | yes |
colour | red |
contact:phone | +44 1534 616616 |
contact:website | |
drive_through | yes |
fixme:position | #SurveyMe |
fixme:post_box | #SurveyMe |
locked | yes |
manufacturer | W. T. Allen & Co. London |
manufacturer:signed | yes |
material | metal |
note:drive_through | Ambiguous: doesn't seem intended to be, but nothing to prevent it being used as such. |
note:source | Tagging this way is intentional, having given it serious thought. Trawling through changeset history while out surveying is impractical. History metadata isn't readily available in surveying editors, yet. |
object:street | Route de la Trinité |
opening_hours | 24/7 open |
opening_hours:signed | no |
operator | Jersey Post |
operator:website | |
ref | 81 |
ref:signed | yes |
royal_cypher | GR;scottish_crown |
royal_cypher:colour | gold |
source:amenity | survey; sign |
source:collection_times | survey; sign |
source:colour | survey |
source:contact | survey; sign |
source:drive_through | survey |
source:locked | survey |
source:manufacturer | survey; sign |
source:material | survey |
source:object | survey |
source:opening_hours | survey |
source:operator | survey; sign |
source:ref | survey; sign |
source:ref:signed | survey |
source:royal_cypher | survey; sign |
source:wheelchair | survey |
survey:date | 2021-12-22 |
wheelchair | yes |