lat: 49.1886429999993, lon: -2.098500400000283
Key | Value |
check_date | 2021-11-20 |
collection_times | Mo-Fr 10:00,16:00,18:00, Sa 11:00; PH,Su off |
collection_times:signed | yes |
colour | red |
contact:phone | +44 1534 616616 |
contact:website | |
drive_through | no |
indoor | yes |
level | 0 |
material | plastic |
note:level | Set explicitly, since the retailer has multiple floors. |
note:opening_hours | Same as Co-Op. |
note:position | Repositioned inside the main entrance, seemingly since the collection times changed. |
note:source | Tagging this way is intentional, having given it serious thought. Trawling through changeset history while out surveying is impractical. History metadata isn't readily available in surveying editors, yet. |
opening_hours | Mo-Sa 07:30-21:00 open; Su 10:00-16:00 open |
operator | Jersey Post |
operator:website | |
operator:wikidata | Q6184914 |
outdoor | no |
post_box:type | pillar |
ref | 46 |
royal_cypher | EIIR;scottish_crown |
source:collection_times | survey; sign |
source:colour | survey |
source:contact | survey; sign |
source:drive_through | survey |
source:indoor | survey |
source:level | survey |
source:material | survey |
source:note:position | survey |
source:operator | survey; sign |
source:outdoor | survey |
source:position | survey |
source:post_box | survey |
source:ref | survey; sign |
source:royal_cypher | survey; sign |
survey:date | 2021-11-20 |
was:indoor | no |
was:outdoor | yes |