OSM Node 2287051652


lat: 57.22774459999991, lon: -3.75597619999977

description:en:1John Roy Stuart 1700-1752: Born and raised near here was the celebrated Gaelic poet John Roy Stuart, one of the most heroic figures of the '45 rising.
description:en:2A devoted Jacobite, John Roy raised the Edinburgh Regiment which also included men from Strathspey. He won great acclaim for his bravery at Prestonpans, Falkirk and Culloden. "Remember the people from whence you came."
description:gd:1Iain Ruadh Stiùbhart 1700-1752: Faisg air seo rugadh is thogadh Iain Ruadh Stiùbhart, fear de na gaisgich is na bàird as ainmeile a dh'èirich an adhbhar a' Phrionnsa.
description:gd:2Thog e Rèisimeid Dhùn Eideann anns an robh deagh-chuid à Srath Spè agus choisinn e cliù airson a ghaisge aig Sliabh a' Chlamhain, An Eaglais Bhreac agus Cùil Lodair. "Chuimhnich na daoine bho'n tàinig thu."
noteErected by the 1745 Association

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