lat: 44.52078810000081, lon: 2.7617815999999977
Key | Value |
information | board |
inscription:en | Last of the six towers of the fortified precinct, built between the 13th;and 14th centuries, it protected the population during the Hundred Years War and later;the Wars of Religion. |
inscription:fr | Dernière des six tours de l'enceinte fortifiée d'Espalion construite;entre le XIIIe et le XIVe siècles. Elle protégea la popultion lors de la;"Guerre de Cent Ans" et plus tardivement lors des "Guerres de;Religions" |
language:en | yes |
language:fr | yes |
lg:oc | yes |
ref | 12 |
source | survey 2016 |
support | wall_mounted |
tourism | information |