lat: 49.184983700000025, lon: -2.1102670000000856
Key | Value |
check_date | 2021-11-25 |
colour | green |
contact:website | |
ele:ellipsoid | 61.000 |
ele:geoid | 11.862 |
material | plastic |
note:ele | geoid correction 49.138 |
note:position | Matches other map data, but not GNSS: suspect misalignment (from imagery). |
note:source | Tagging this way is intentional, having given it serious thought. Trawling through changeset history while out surveying is impractical. History metadata isn't readily available in surveying editors, yet. |
note:waste | Possibly others. |
object:street | Castle Street |
opening_hours | 24/7 open |
opening_hours:signed | no |
operator | Parish of St. Helier |
operator:short | St. Helier |
operator:website | |
source:amenity | survey |
source:colour | survey |
source:contact | local knowledge |
source:ele | GPS |
source:material | survey |
source:object | survey |
source:opening_hours | survey |
source:operator | local knowledge |
source:position | GPS; survey |
source:waste | survey |
source:wheelchair | survey |
survey:date | 2021-11-25 |
waste | trash;organic |
waste:signed | no |
wheelchair | limited |
wheelchair:description | Containers are somewhat tall, with opening at the top. |