lat: 41.70671530000025, lon: 44.78155799999998
Key | Value |
addr2:housenumber | 18 |
addr2:street | აკაკი ხორავას ქუჩა |
addr2:street:en | Akaki Khorava Street |
addr:city | თბილისი |
addr:city:en | Tbilisi |
addr:housenumber | 11 |
addr:street | სიმონ ჯანაშიას ქუჩა |
addr:street:en | Simon Janashia Street |
air_conditioning | yes |
check_date | 2023-12-09 |
description | F0RTHSP4CE is a hackerspace. A community of enthusiasts, focused on technology and art. We are trying to wrap our heads about things that are not easy to understand and to create events. But first and foremost we are having a good time. |
fee | no |
image | |
internet_access | wlan |
internet_access:fee | no |
internet_access:ssid | F0RTHSP4CE-GUEST |
leisure | hackerspace |
level | 0 |
opening_hours:url | |
website | |
wheelchair | limited |