Key | Value |
boundary | legal |
currency:EUR | yes |
currency:others | no |
designation | deel van Nederland |
name:br | Izelvroioù european |
name:de | Europäische Niederlande |
name:en | European Netherlands |
name:es | Países Bajos europeos |
name:fr | Pays-Bas européens |
name:nl | Europees Nederland |
note | Only the European part of the Netherlands is part of the European Union. |
note:old_name | De uitdrukking "Rijk in Europa" als aanduiding van het Europese deel van Nederland is verouderd. |
official_name | Europese deel van Nederland |
official_name:de | Europäische Teil der Niederlande |
official_name:en | European part of the Netherlands |
official_name:es | Parte europea de los Países Bajos |
official_name:fr | Partie européenne des Pays-Bas |
official_name:nl | Europese deel van Nederland |
old_name | Rijk in Europa |
old_name:en | Territory in Europe |
old_name:fr | Territoire en Europe |
old_name:nl | Rijk in Europa |
operator | Staat der Nederlanden |
place | region |
population | 17407585 |
population:date | 2020-01-01 |
ref:landcode | 6030 |
related_law | Artikel 132a Grondwet |
related_law:url | |
source | |
source:name:br | proper translation |
source:population | som van provincies |
timezone | Europe/Amsterdam |
type | boundary |
wikidata | Q2118709 |
wikipedia | nl:Europees Nederland |