OSM Way 158903479


FIXME:contfor the section runing alongside Bartlemas Close at the far west of the stucture as is at the moment.
fixmethe Southeastern end needs a lot of checking stilI think theres a genralisation between a series of wooded areas, hedgeing, fenceing and the extents of saterlight observable trees. It cirtainly is a single giant thick impassable hedge the notes are
noteI'm not to sure what would happen if I took the natrual wood tags out so I left them. the site lies on the side of an old driveway to a large farm complex that runs were the current roasd runs less than ten years ago it was forming a hedge barrier.a
note_1open fileld lay bothsides of the drive way.. new palacad fenceing was added in the last 10 years

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