OSM Way 4583819


notegoing to recheck but the speed limit dosen't apply automaticaly on this private road
note:10driveout on the way {so technically its a service=driveway. About a decade ago problems with the original garages saw them majorly refunished and as the residents of hilltop rd had taken to parking for free on the rd rather than use the garages a row was
note:11removed and the barrier moved
note:12at this time so that the now collapsed garge to be left at the end. so the way was still a driveway for use by users of the lands of southfield pk. The poor garage at the end sufered a bad fate and collapsed and after a long while the main parts removed.
note:13The result is the land is owned by the colleges it is on a land lease for the remaining period with Oxford city council. and is administered by the Garage Team for the general social housing and estates section of the city council. Occasionly they send
note:14a work crew in to takle overgrowing plants in the borders on the sides. The ownership rights to putina replacement garage at the end are unknown. Though the council could easily put a fence at the north east end of the way and as long as sse get a key
note:15to get at it from the south or the golf course it could thereticly just be gatted off from public use.
note:16In conclusion due to the fact that it still is occasionaly used by cars dropping people off the option to rebuild a garage and its long standing function as a driveway to and on a private estate. I'm reinstateing it to priveate driveway that allows
note:17permisable access.
note:2As far as I know the history of this road with relation to status, maintinace and ownership goes like this:- Southfield Farm has this as a top entrance from the main farmyard and farmhouse site (where the flats are now) in WWIIsome garden sw of the
note:3garage road was turned into a smll patch of alotments and this way was the entrance for alotment users.
note:4A series of sheds and garages went up behind hilltop rad plots north east of the allotments.
note:5Southfield farm which has been shinking by selling off fields for the last centry or so finaly sells up the remaining land and the house and farm buildings to some university colleges the fields in the main make up the sports grounds to the west and
note:6southwest Hilltop road users still keep garages in the top row and this way is the only entrance for them. Planing permission for new flats is made and eventually after reduceing the intensification by retaining more trees and parkland appoval is passed
note:7The collages lease the land to a body that would make up the private site and seperate deal with council to have similar properties as council homes is made this takes us to around the mid 1970's. This way is taken into the 99 year land lease given to the
note:8council houseing half at this top end of the estate. The council instals more garages and then transfers leases for the old garages used by Hilltop road to the new garages bar one (now demolised the stange patch of ruble and weeds by G404 on the other
note:9side of the anti-ratrun barrier. this way is then transfered to the Estates and Landlord services and then transfered to the Garage Team of the city council. A anti-ratrun barrier was added futher north-west than current to allow hilltop rd users to
ownerOxford City Council Garages Team

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